Monday, 1 December 2014


Election fever has started in May's Parliamentary, District and Parish Elections look to be the most interesting for years.   We will be following the Candidates closely and give our honest opinion. Now the truth does not sit well with some Politicians but Freedom of Speech is something many of us fought for and therefore we will ensure that if a stone is turned and a slug is hiding thereunder then that slug will be exposed to the cruel light of day. No doubt the ungodly will start reaching for the number of their Solicitors but they should remember that the truth will out.
Recently we saw that Mr Andrew Mitchell MP came a cropper (or should that be came a copper!!) when he fought a libel action.
Also Candidates should remember that the term of Office is Five years for MP, and four years for District and Parish (not one meeting as one candidate thought in the last elections)

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Cllr Christopher Turner, aka "Captain Invisible" has been seen in Fremington, putting glossy leaflets through doors. With a turn of speed which he only usually shows when collecting his allowances/expenses, he has been distributing the missives to all and sundry.
What are these expensive leaflets about? They are a joint leaflet of "The Team" of Rodney Cann and Chris Turner. Well they seem to be moaning about the state of the World around us and yet all the time they distance these two Cllrs from any of the problems they mention. Let us look at just one of the gripes of the Dashing Duo...Allenstyle Development....this came about because the District Council failed to get a proper Local Plan up and running  (the same Council which pays Cann as Deputy leader and Turner as a Planning Committee Member)  Their "opposition " to the development was so strong that the application was approved.....

They say you get the sort of Cllrs you deserve....what on earth have we done to deserve these two

Oh yes there were 16 pictures of the Duo in the that a record?